Makenzie Pacocha, LCSW (she/her)

What is it like to be in session with me?

Hi! I am a therapist that is based out of Philadelphia, PA that specializes in working with adults and teens who have experienced attachment wounds in childhood, and/or have dealt with toxic relationships in adulthood. Through this work, I have found time and time again that the shame that was placed on us during these experiences has a significant impact on the way that we see ourselves and the world around us. These are the parts of us that so deeply crave and deserve to be seen and be understood by others. Through this process, my goal is to help you build a stronger and more compassionate relationship with yourself and the people in your life.

When figuring out how to meet each of my client’s unique needs, I often pull from the various avenues of training I have received in trauma and attachment based therapies. However, the biggest thing that I have learned through experience is that all behaviors are adaptive and creative, even the ones we dislike the most. My job is to help you slow down and relate differently to the parts of you that you may struggle to find empathy and compassion for. While supporting you to carve out your unique path to healing, I will be there to guide and bring awareness to the patterns that may not be serving you any longer.

I also believe that this work is best done when we feel comfortable and safe. I strive to make therapy feel this way for the individuals I work with, as nobody wants to feel like they are talking to a robot! I encourage my clients to show up fully as who they are, without needing to censor anything they are sharing with me (curse words and sweatpants are so welcome). I will be there with you every step of the way, without judgement, and holding compassion for all parts of you.

Who am I outside of session?

When I am not in a therapy session, you can likely catch me recharging with some reality tv, reading, or researching my next favorite restaurant. I also love to explore the beautiful city that I work and reside in. As a human, I truly believe in the power of therapy. I partake in my own ongoing therapy and consultation so I can best support your needs, as well as my own!

Credentials& Training

Masters in Social Work- Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Licensed Clinical Social Worker- Licensed in the state of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, permissions to do telehealth in the state of Delaware

Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)- Completed required training and receiving ongoing supervision towards certification

Exposure and Response Therapy- Used for the treatment of OCD

Safe and Sound Protocol- Certified provider

Additional training/areas of expertise include: Trauma informed care, extensive knowledge and experience in supporting those experiencing intimate partner violence and/or sexual abuse, and knowledge of interpersonal neurobiology.